- Simplex
- Conventional Notification
Conventional Notification
In an emergency, detection is only the first step
A full range of non-addressable appliances and speakers for fire alarm and emergency applications
To save lives, you need to provide effective notification to everyone in the building. Simplex non-addressable notification appliances and speakers alert occupants to danger and help them evacuate quickly and safely.
Simplex solutions include horns, strobes, horn-strobes, speakers, speaker-strobes, chimes, chime-strobes, multi-tone horns, multi-tone horn-strobes, and mini-horns.

Simplex non-addressable notification solutions lead the market in flexibility, performance, and reliability, offering easier design and more cost-effective installation.

The wide range of Simplex non-addressable notification appliances and speakers ensures you can get the right device for every space.

Simplex non-addressable appliances are compatible with Simplex 4007ES, 4006, and 4004R fire alarm control units